Main > Trip > hawaii > hilo
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This is where the ship parked, next to an enormous warehouse where normally cargo would be unloaded. Not that we felt all that different from cargo a lot of the time..
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Trees -- these were on a road where some of the trees had been planted by famous people. Some were completely obscure people who presumably counted for something back when they were planting, but one of them was planted by Amelia Earhart!
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The ship, completely dominating the (actually fairly large) harbour buildings.
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Gas tanks by the docks.
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Various choppers parked waiting to take people out.
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A waterfall somewhere fairly close into Hilo.
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Old set lava.
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The volcano, steaming away. The orange stripe is a reflection from the helicopter window, not lava, sadly.
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More steam -- most of the volcano is relatively quiet now, it's just steaming from some points.
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Notie the other helicopter below us by the far right steam -- we got the safety-conscious pilot, bah.
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This is as lively as the lava got; on the left, you can see it glowing orange, and there was visible flow, but it wasn't exactly spraying boiling rock into the air. Probably no bad thing from a safety point of view, I guess.
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Lava pouring into the sea.
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A military base we passed over on the way back; at least, I'm pretty sure those aren't civilian helicopters.
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Us in front of the helicopter, back on the ground at last.
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Some shots from Hilo, and our helicopter flight over the volcano.
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