Artist: Henry Weeks Inscription: In 1840 Governor Hobson named this city after Lord Auckland from whom he had received command of H.M.S. Rattlesnake when Lord Auckland was First Lord of the Admiralty in 1834. Lord Auckland served as Governor-General of India from 1835 to 1842 and this statute of him stood in Calcutta from 1848 to 1969 when it was presented by the government of West Bengal to the City of Auckland. The transportation of the statue to Auckland and its erection on this site was arranged and financed by the New Zealand Company Ltd as a gift to its home city. H. Weeks, Sculptor and Founder, 1848. Significance: Full length draped portrait figure of the 2nd Lord Auckland. To present the idea of a 'noble statesman'. He is wearing a scholar's gown and holding a scroll. |