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View of Banff -- it's almost sad how easy it is to take relatively good pictures here with no skill whatsoever -- point camera at mountain, click, voila.
(896x592, 74.2KB)
Exposure is good outside, depth-of-field is fine, and a relatively manageable amount of banding in the sky.
(896x592, 108.9KB)
It'll take reasonable close-ups, too -- though, to be fair, the silver and gold bauble here is about a foot across.
(896x592, 115.7KB)
More mountains, just because they're there..
(896x592, 80.8KB)
Nice resolution -- it's 2.1mpixels, and you can actually gain something from all of them.
(896x592, 96.4KB)
Colour rendition is very impressive; skin tones come out well (yes, my face was that colour -- it's cold..) and it doesn't seem to have problems with fine details against a bright background (power lines).
(896x592, 71.4KB)
It'll expose 'awkward' subjects pretty well -- backlighting fools it, but when it's shooting something that's near enough all white, it does the right thing. There's a bit of noise visible at top right, and it's showing jpeg compression artefacts in the darker patches of water, but I suspect that's mostly my fault for selecting that quality level.
(896x592, 145.2KB)
Again, it has a pretty respectable dynamic range, and isn't thrown off by the slab of white -- the trees are still the right colour. No obvious chromatic aberrations at light-dark transitions, either.
(896x592, 98.0KB)
More close-up stuff -- the 'macro' setting isn't exactly 1:1, but it's certainly close enough to be useful, and it's pretty sharp at this range, too. This is about as close as it ever gets to bokeh...
(896x592, 74.9KB)
Another closeup -- bit of haloing around the white text here, but the image is still remarkably crisp, all things considered.
(896x592, 95.0KB)
A self-portrait in a mirror with self-timer. The smears are on the mirror, not the camera. Comparing the size to an OM2 here, it may not look a lot smaller, but it's the flat nature of the DC3800 that's handy -- it'll fit into a pocket a lot more easily. Again, no real depth-of-field control here -- it does take decent low-light photos if you use self-timer to get stability, though.
(896x592, 51.9KB)

Sample shots taken with Kodak DC3800 digital camera. These are exactly the same shots as in the parent directory, just manually scaled down by 50%, so you don't have such big downloads. Ignore any comments about resolution, obviously. (note that these are scaled by me, not the camera; it has a 'good' quality mode which takes pictures at this size, but this isn't what I used here.)
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